Saturday, November 03, 2007

the brave one

This being my third time in the Delhi, I wanted to watch a movie. Actually, it was not the movie-watching but the rather the movie-house experience I was excited about. In the same city block as my office, there is a PVR cinema house which claims to an unforgettable theatre experience. In a city where words like "emporium" or "palace" can be anything but, it was surprisingly good.

After lunch, I went there and got my ticket (with reserved seating) for an 11:10 PM viewing. As the ticketing window was outside the theatre, I only got a brief glimpse of what was inside. Around 10PM, I made my way from the apartment to PVR in 15 minutes time - a good 45 minutes to kill before previews start.

Security is really strict. I passed through a full-body metal detector, then a guard holding a portable metal detector, and then another guard for a brief body inspection not unlike the ones they give in airports. Even the women were not spared - a little girl was given a slight nudge to go to the women's private area for the body inspection.

The lobby is bit small - in just a few steps you can be in the concession stands and the different theatres. I bought my popcorn and drinks and sat in a corner, looking at the place slowly come to life. First up was a family coming from the outside. Mom and dad, with lola and the little kids, everyone but the token pet dog came in. Then came "Jerry Seinfeld" with wife. He brought a camera and was stopped at the gate. That and some other stuff like laptops and outside food are not allowed inside the premises. I guess he is not master of this domain. I continued munching away when at some point I looked down at the box and saw there's nothing there. Then the attendants opened the doors for my screen.

Previews started with only 15 or so people in the audience - me being the only foreigner. One trailer which stood out is for Van Wilder 2 starring Kumar straight out of Newcastle. I had to glance left and right before laughing. Because you never know.

There were only 126 seats in the theatre I was in. But those seats were definitely the best I have been on, functionally. It was a bit dark when I entered the theatre and in my row there were already some people who looked too relaxed - their knees where touching the seats in front of them. To think the row spacing was big. Only upon taking my seat did I realize the trick - these seats are reclinable like a la-z-boy.

There was one more surprise I did not expect. We were more than halfway into the film, tension rising, and then the screen suddenly blanked with the lights blinding on. Of all times in the movie, they had to have an intermission at that point. Thankfully it lasted only 10 minutes.

The movie over, we all went towards the big EXIT sign at the side of the theatre which directly led to the outside. Walking home in biting cold at one thirty in the morning, with only a few stray dogs and the occasional nightpost lighting my way, I guess I'm a bit brave myself.

Ah yes. I almost forgot about the movie. Jodie Foster kicked ass. You definitely won't see me look at her funny.

Movie: 3.5 out of 5
Theatre: 4 out of 5
Damage: Rs150 tickets + Rs140 (food)

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